
hemm_ performs one of the matrix-matrix operations

C := alpha*A*B + beta*C,

where op( X ) is one of

C := alpha*B*A + beta*C,

alpha and beta are scalars, A is a hermitian matrix and B and C are m ⨉ n matrices..

  1. int chemm_(char side, char uplo, FortranInt m, FortranInt n, cfloat alpha, const(cfloat)* a, FortranInt lda, const(cfloat)* b, FortranInt ldb, cfloat beta, cfloat* c, FortranInt ldc)
    extern (C) nothrow @nogc @system
    ref const char side
    ref const char uplo
    ref const FortranInt m
    ref const FortranInt n
    ref const cfloat alpha
    const(cfloat)* a
    ref const FortranInt lda
    const(cfloat)* b
    ref const FortranInt ldb
    ref const cfloat beta
    cfloat* c
    ref const FortranInt ldc
  2. int zhemm_(char side, char uplo, FortranInt m, FortranInt n, cdouble alpha, const(cdouble)* a, FortranInt lda, const(cdouble)* b, FortranInt ldb, cdouble beta, cdouble* c, FortranInt ldc)

Detailed Description

Unified alias

