1 /++
2 $(H2 BLAS API for GLAS)
4 Please read $(LINK2 http://www.netlib.org/blas/ , Netlib BLAS) for more details.
6 Note: Standard (fortran) BLAS API is column major.
8 Copyright: Copyright © 2016-, Ilya Yaroshenko.
9 License: $(HTTP boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
10 Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko
11 +/
12 module glas.fortran;
14 version(LDC)
15 	pragma(LDC_no_moduleinfo);
17 /// Alias for Fortran77 integer.
18 alias FortranInt = int;
20 extern(C) nothrow @nogc @system:
22 /++
23  `gemm_`  performs one of the matrix-matrix operations
25     `C := alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C`,
27  where  `op( X )` is one of
29     `op( X ) = X   or   op( X ) = X**T or op( X ) = X**H`,
31  alpha and beta are scalars, and `A`, `B` and `C` are matrices, with `op( A )`
32  an `m ⨉ k` matrix,  `op( B )`  a  `k ⨉ n` matrix and  `C` an `m ⨉ n` matrix.
34 Unified_alias: `gemm_`
35 +/
36 int sgemm_(ref const char transa, ref const char transb, ref const FortranInt m, ref const FortranInt  n, ref const FortranInt k, ref const float alpha, const(float)* a, ref const FortranInt lda, const(float)* b, ref const FortranInt ldb, ref const float beta, float* c, ref const FortranInt ldc);
37 /// ditto
38 int dgemm_(ref const char transa, ref const char transb, ref const FortranInt m, ref const FortranInt  n, ref const FortranInt k, ref const double alpha, const(double)* a, ref const FortranInt lda, const(double)* b, ref const FortranInt ldb, ref const double beta, double* c, ref const FortranInt ldc);
39 /// ditto
40 int cgemm_(ref const char transa, ref const char transb, ref const FortranInt m, ref const FortranInt  n, ref const FortranInt k, ref const cfloat alpha, const(cfloat)* a, ref const FortranInt lda, const(cfloat)* b, ref const FortranInt ldb, ref const cfloat beta, cfloat* c, ref const FortranInt ldc);
41 /// ditto
42 int zgemm_(ref const char transa, ref const char transb, ref const FortranInt m, ref const FortranInt  n, ref const FortranInt k, ref const cdouble alpha, const(cdouble)* a, ref const FortranInt lda, const(cdouble)* b, ref const FortranInt ldb, ref const cdouble beta, cdouble* c, ref const FortranInt ldc);
44 alias gemm_ = sgemm_;
45 alias gemm_ = dgemm_;
46 alias gemm_ = cgemm_;
47 alias gemm_ = zgemm_;
49 /++
50  `symm_`  performs one of the matrix-matrix operations
52     `C := alpha*A*B + beta*C`,
54  where  `op( X )` is one of
56     `C := alpha*B*A + beta*C`,
58  alpha and beta are scalars, `A` is a symmetric matrix and `B` and
59  `C` are `m ⨉ n` matrices..
61 Unified_alias: `symm_`
62 +/
63 int ssymm_(ref const char side, ref const char uplo, ref const FortranInt m, ref const FortranInt  n, ref const float alpha, const(float)* a, ref const FortranInt lda, const(float)* b, ref const FortranInt ldb, ref const float beta, float* c, ref const FortranInt ldc);
64 /// ditto
65 int dsymm_(ref const char side, ref const char uplo, ref const FortranInt m, ref const FortranInt  n, ref const double alpha, const(double)* a, ref const FortranInt lda, const(double)* b, ref const FortranInt ldb, ref const double beta, double* c, ref const FortranInt ldc);
66 /// ditto
67 int csymm_(ref const char side, ref const char uplo, ref const FortranInt m, ref const FortranInt  n, ref const cfloat alpha, const(cfloat)* a, ref const FortranInt lda, const(cfloat)* b, ref const FortranInt ldb, ref const cfloat beta, cfloat* c, ref const FortranInt ldc);
68 /// ditto
69 int zsymm_(ref const char side, ref const char uplo, ref const FortranInt m, ref const FortranInt  n, ref const cdouble alpha, const(cdouble)* a, ref const FortranInt lda, const(cdouble)* b, ref const FortranInt ldb, ref const cdouble beta, cdouble* c, ref const FortranInt ldc);
71 alias symm_ = ssymm_;
72 alias symm_ = dsymm_;
73 alias symm_ = csymm_;
74 alias symm_ = zsymm_;
76 /++
77  `hemm_`  performs one of the matrix-matrix operations
79     `C := alpha*A*B + beta*C`,
81  where  `op( X )` is one of
83     `C := alpha*B*A + beta*C`,
85  alpha and beta are scalars, `A` is a hermitian matrix and `B` and
86  `C` are `m ⨉ n` matrices..
88 Unified_alias: `hemm_`
89 +/
90 int chemm_(ref const char side, ref const char uplo, ref const FortranInt m, ref const FortranInt  n, ref const cfloat alpha, const(cfloat)* a, ref const FortranInt lda, const(cfloat)* b, ref const FortranInt ldb, ref const cfloat beta, cfloat* c, ref const FortranInt ldc);
91 /// ditto
92 int zhemm_(ref const char side, ref const char uplo, ref const FortranInt m, ref const FortranInt  n, ref const cdouble alpha, const(cdouble)* a, ref const FortranInt lda, const(cdouble)* b, ref const FortranInt ldb, ref const cdouble beta, cdouble* c, ref const FortranInt ldc);
94 alias hemm_ = chemm_;
95 alias hemm_ = zhemm_;
97 /++
98 `scal_` scales a vector by a constant.
100 Unified_alias: `scal_`
101 +/
102 int sscal_(ref const FortranInt n, ref const float a, float* x, ref const FortranInt incx);
103 /// ditto 
104 int dscal_(ref const FortranInt n, ref const double a, double* x, ref const FortranInt incx);
105 /// ditto 
106 int csscal_(ref const FortranInt n, ref const float a, cfloat* x, ref const FortranInt incx);
107 /// ditto 
108 int cscal_(ref const FortranInt n, ref const cfloat a, cfloat* x, ref const FortranInt incx);
109 /// ditto 
110 int csIscal_(ref const FortranInt n, ref const ifloat a, cfloat* x, ref const FortranInt incx);
111 /// ditto 
112 int zdscal_(ref const FortranInt n, ref const double a, cdouble* x, ref const FortranInt incx);
113 /// ditto 
114 int zscal_(ref const FortranInt n, ref const cdouble a, cdouble* x, ref const FortranInt incx);
115 /// ditto 
116 int zdIscal_(ref const FortranInt n, ref const idouble a, cdouble* x, ref const FortranInt incx);
118 alias scal_ = sscal_;
119 alias scal_ = dscal_;
120 alias scal_ = csscal_;
121 alias scal_ = cscal_;
122 alias scal_ = csIscal_;
123 alias scal_ = zdscal_;
124 alias scal_ = zscal_;
125 alias scal_ = zdIscal_;
127 /++
128  XERBLA  is an error handler for the LAPACK routines.
129  It is called by an LAPACK routine if an input parameter has an
130  invalid value.  A message is printed and execution stops.
132  Installers may consider modifying the STOP statement in order to
133  call system-specific exception-handling facilities.
134 +/
135 int xerbla_(in char* srname, ref FortranInt info);